Earlier this month, I put together a project with a partner about graphic novels for young adults.  I had a great time learning about the format and finally feel like I know a reasonable amount about these books!  The most interesting part to me was actually the history of the censorship/self-censorship of the format.  Fredric Wertham was certainly an interesting guy…  My Photoshop skills came in handy with our handout, which you can see below, and go here to see the online resource page I created to accompany the project for further exploration.

Okay. Things may be getting out of hand.

About 10 down, 80ish to go.

This is a look of a few of the things I currently have checked out from the library. It’s the beginning of a new semester, so free time is at a premium. The DVDs and CDs have gone back to the library, (hopefully there will be some time for them again soon!) and now, my shelves are filled with a near endless amount of teen literature and material on Library 2.0 and participatory service.

This semester, I am entering the brave new world of Young Adult Materials–something I’m in great need of exploring and can’t wait to add to my repertoire–and diving back into the world of technology in Library 2.0 with my Introduction to LIS professor Michael Stephens.

It’ll be an adventure, that’s for sure.  Here’s to a great semester!

Oh, and because it is just so darn cool, you can take a look here at my Library 2.0 class website